What Drugs are on a 5 Panel Test

Simple question for most people who have years of experience in the drug testing industry. However, for employers and Designated Employer Representatives, this information is needed for Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy, Notification to Employees and Supervisor Training.

Below is a list of Drugs tested in the DOT-5 panel and Non-DOT 5 Panel: Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiate, Amphetamines and PCP. Methamphetamines and Ecstasy as well as expanded opiates is included In the DOT-5 Panel. Non-DOT employers can choose to match the DOT-5 panel or customize to their liking.

You can choose from either a DOT-5 Panel, DOT Like 5 Panel, or NON-DOT 5 Panel. The DOT Panel is exactly what DOT mandates for all DOT Employees. The DOT Like 5 Panel is an exact duplicate of the DOT 5 Panel and provides all the benefits of the DOT panel. However, the DOT Like panel will not affect DOT statistics as they are only reported to the employer. The NON DOT 5 panel is close to the DOT 5 panel, however, it may not have ecstasy, expanded opiates, or may have a higher opiate cut off.

For more information on the 100s of testing panels WorkPlace Screening Intelligence offers or to order a drug test today, contact our Knowledgeable Support Team at 844-573-8378 or Support@workplacescreening.com



