Employment Screening Tips

Employment Screening Tips: Ensuring Compliance and Health in the Workplace

The modern workplace landscape necessitates vigilant employment screening processes to ensure safety, maintain regulatory compliance, and support the overall health of employees. From understanding the differences between regulated and non regulated drug testing to leveraging the latest in technology and clinical testing services, there is a multitude of factors for employers, Human Resources, and Safety Officers to consider. With over 30 years of experience in the arena, we’re here to provide comprehensive guidance and peace of mind for organizations navigating these complexities.

What Our Customers Say about Us:

John L gave us a 5 star rating and said,

From the beginning, Brenda has been a wealth of knowledge and has been very patient explaining aspect of the  random drug testing program. I called multiple times to clarify our responsibility and what WSI could do to help and Brenda has been cheerful and eager to help us get started. Phil the CEO of the company also provided guidance and was knowledge and was very pleasant throughout. I’m glad to have found WSI, this is truly a customer first company.

To view the other 5 star reviews, please visit https://workplacescreening.com/testimonials/

Need to order a drug test or other screening service today?  Contact our knowledgeable support staff today at 844-573-8378 or support@workpalcescreening.com or press on link to order now:

Understanding FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Regulations

The FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, overseen by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, acts as a crucial resource within the transportation sector. Operating as a comprehensive online repository, it arms employers with the necessary information about any drug and alcohol violations associated with holders of a commercial driver’s license (CDL). This vital tool aids in adhering to FMCSA mandates and plays a significant role in upholding roadway safety.

Employers who oversee fleet operations or are part of the broader transportation industry must be well-acquainted with the intricacies of the FMCSA Clearinghouse. The database tracks a myriad of details, including reported violations, the completion of any required return-to-duty processes, and outlines for future drug and alcohol testing. By offering a transparent view of a driver’s compliance with drug and alcohol regulations, the FMCSA Clearinghouse is instrumental in assisting employers with making educated decisions regarding their workforce, ensuring the safety of all road users.

Employers must do the following in order to be compliant with the FMCSA Clearinghouse Mandate:

  • Have a FMCSA Clearinghouse Drug and Alcohol Testing Addendum.
  • Educate Employees and Supervisors on Rights and Responsibilities of the FMCSA Clearinghouse
  • Perform Pre-Employment queries on each new hire.
  • Perform Annual queries on all drivers.
  • Report Positive Alcohol
  • Report Collection Site Refusals
  • Report Known Drug Use
  • Report Return to Duty Testing
  • Report Follow-Up Testing is complete

Employers can appoint a CTPA, like Workplace Screening Intelligence to perform some or all of your FMCSA Queries and Reporting.  Need more information with how we can help you with registration, education, queries, documentation and queries?  See Fmcsa Chs

Key Takeaway: Regularly consult the FMCSA Clearinghouse or your CTPA to remain compliant and maintain accurate records of your drivers’ drug and alcohol testing statuses.

Drug Testing: DOT vs. Non-DOT

An employer’s drug testing requirements can vary significantly depending on whether they fall under Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. DOT Drug Tests and Non DOT Drug Tests serve different purposes and are conducted under differing legal frameworks.

For roles that are considered “safety-sensitive” by the DOT, such as commercial drivers, pilots, and pipeline operators, employees must undergo DOT Drug Testing as stipulated by federal law. This includes a specific set of drugs to test for, known as the DOT 5 panel drug screen.

Alternatively, Non DOT Drug Tests or non regulated drug tests are used by companies that do not fall under DOT regulations. Employers in these sectors have greater flexibility to develop drug testing programs that could include a broader range of substances or alternative methods.

Random Drug Testing is a strategy used by both DOT and non-DOT employers. It acts as a deterrent and a proactive means of maintaining a safe work environment. A Random Consortium, including the DOT Random Consortium, manages the selection process, ensuring that it is impartial.

Need to join a Random Testing Consortium?  We have the following DOT Random Consortium’s available:

FAA Random Consortium

FMCSA Random Consortium

FRA Random Consortium

FTA Random Consortium

PHMSA Random Consortium

US Coast Guard Random Consortium

Non DOT Consortiums:

NON  DOT Consortium 50%

Ohio BWC NON  DOT Consortium 15%

Ohio BWC NON  DOT Consortium 5%

California Public Utilities Commission CAPUC Random Consortium

Key Takeaway: Determine if your employment roles require DOT or Non-DOT testing and making sure you have your employees in the proper DOT or NON DOT Drug Testing Pool.

Implementing Employee Drug Testing

Successful drug testing programs can incorporate either a 5-panel drug screen or a 10-panel drug screen, which test for different substances. Employers must determine the appropriate panel based on their industry, company policy, and local laws. Leveraging technology, such as online portals and automated systems, can simplify the management of testing results and scheduling.

Finding reliable drug screening facilities is also crucial. If you are in need of a “Drug screening Near Me”, you have come to the right place. Workplace Screening Intelligence has over 20,000 electronically enabled collection sites with locations near your workplace or your employee’s home.  Below is a search feature that will show the collection sites near your workplace or home.  Locations when prompted enter city and state or zip code in search bar.  In you want an Orlando, FL Drug Test, enter Orlando, FL or your zip code.

Additionally, the role of the Medical Review Officer (MRO) is critical in establishing a credible drug testing process. They bring medical expertise to the interpretation and verification of results, ensuring that individual prescriptions or medical explanations are appropriately considered. The MRO also is responsible for the non contact positive and safety sensitive letters.

Key Takeaway: Choose the right panel test for your business, and utilize technology to manage the drug testing process. Engage a competent MRO to ensure results are fair and accurate.

Physical Examinations: DOT and Non-DOT

Maintaining the physical health and readiness of employees is another facet of employment screening. Conducting regular Physicals, including DOT Physicals and NON DOT Physicals, is part of many employers’ health requirements.

DOT Physicals are mandatory and regulated exams for drivers of commercial vehicles. They determine the physical fitness of a driver to perform their duties safely. Conversely, NON-DOT Physicals are voluntary but can be just as crucial for non-regulated industries, helping to ascertain the general health of the workforce. DOT Physical will be repeated every two years.  If the individual is less healthier, they will need to repeat every 90-365 days according to their health issue.

Key Takeaway: Employers should enforce regular physical examinations as part of their wellness initiatives, tailored to their industry’s specific needs and regulations.

Advanced Clinical Laboratory and Titer Testing Services

Beyond drug testing and physicals, employers can benefit from a comprehensive array of Clinical Laboratory Testing Services. These may include Titer Testing Services for verifying immunity to diseases such as Hepatitis (A, B, C), Varicella (Chickenpox), Measles (MMR), and more. These tests determine if employees have had previous exposure to certain diseases or vaccinations, which is vital information, particularly for those in healthcare or public-facing roles.

It’s also important to be aware of specialized tests such as the Transferrin Gold TB Test—a contemporary method for detecting tuberculosis—or various Hepatitis Titer tests for assessing the need for vaccinations.

We have thousands of test in our menu.  Below is a list of most popular test ordered:

Transferrin Gold TB test, Hepatitis Titer (A, B, C), Varicella Titer, MMR, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Lead test, Nicotine Metabolite, Lipid Panel, CBC, RPR, Ammonia and many more.

Key Takeaway: Broaden your employment screening program to include various clinical tests that can ensure employee health and mitigate potential workplace exposures.

Need to order a clinical test today? Contact our knowledgeable support staff today at 844-573-8378 or support@workplacescreening.com


Providing a comprehensive approach to employment screening is integral to the health, safety, and productivity of every workforce. By utilizing a mix of traditional wisdom and modern techniques, employers can foster a culture of trust and safety. Whether it’s navigating the Clearinghouse FMCSA, crafting a Random Drug Testing program, conducting Physicals, or initiating Clinical Laboratory Testing Services, the keys to success lie in compliance, education, and state-of-the-art technology.

Employers and HR professionals are tasked with a significant responsibility. By staying informed and working with experienced partners, you can implement screening programs that protect your employees and the integrity of your business.

Final Takeaway: Screen with diligence, comply with confidence, and create a workplace where health and safety prevail with the support of our three decades of expertise and cutting-edge.  Let Our 30 years of Experience and Technology Be Your Peace of Mind.

What Our Customers Say about Us:

John L gave us a 5 star rating and said,

From the beginning, Brenda has been a wealth of knowledge and has been very patient explaining aspect of the random drug testing program. I called multiple times to clarify our responsibility and what WSI could do to help and Brenda has been cheerful and eager to help us get started. Phil the CEO of the company also provided guidance and was knowledge and was very pleasant throughout. I’m glad to have found WSI, this is truly a customer first company.

To view the other 5 star reviews, please visit https://workplacescreening.com/testimonials/

Need to order a screening service today?  Contact our knowledgeable support staff today at 844-573-8378 or support@workpalcescreening.com or press on link to order now: Write a 2,000word blog post about Employ screen tips.  Use key words



