Shy Bladder Drug Test

All You Need to Know About Shy Bladder Drug Test

Drug testing is a common practice in most workplaces, regulated and non-regulated. Employers have always been keen on ensuring their employees are in peak mental and physical condition, and drug testing is one of the measures they employ. However, what happens when someone is unable to produce enough urine to provide a sample? This is where the shy bladder drug test comes in. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about shy bladder drug tests.

What is a Shy Bladder Drug Test?

A shy bladder drug test is a urine drug test that is conducted when someone is unable to produce a urine specimen. The term ‘shy bladder’ is used to describe instances where people struggle to pee in a safe, controlled environment such as a bathroom cubicle, and typically in the presence of a collector. Essentially, Shy Bladder is when the individual who came in for a drug screen cannot produce a sample due to psychological or medical reasons.

What Triggers the Shy Bladder Drug Screen?

Once the individual is handed a cup to urinate into, the individual will go into the bathroom and provide a specimen.  If they are unable to urinate or didn’t provide enough urine then it goes into the shy bladder drug test process. DOT Drug Testing requires 45 ml of urine in order to meet the DOT Drug Testing Split Specimen Mandate.  Once the shy bladder drug test process is started, the individual has three hours to provide a valid specimen of 45ml or more.

How is a Shy Bladder Drug Test Conducted?

Shy bladder drug tests can be conducted in regulated or non-regulated testing environments. Regulated testing refers to drug testing in heavily regulated industries such as trucking, aviation, and rail transportation. Non-regulated testing is conducted in industries that aren’t as closely regulated. For example, it may be an HR policy for a corporation.

During shy bladder drug testing, the specimen collector will offer the individual a selection of fluids to consume and wait until they are ready to urinate. If the individual is unable to urinate, the collector will document after each attempt to urinate. After the specimen is collected, it is sent to the laboratory for testing. If there isn’t enough urine in the specimen or donor can’t provide any specimen, the collector notates that the individual has a shy bladder.

What Happens Next?

The employer will direct the employee to a licensed physician that is accepted to the Medical Review Officer (MRO) to determine if the individual has a condition that causes them not to be able to urinate as needed to complete the drug screening process.  This process must occur within 5 business days.

How Does Oral Fluids Fit into the Shy Bladder process for Non-Regulated Employers?

Can an employer utilize oral fluids in the shy bladder process?  Non-regulated employers can utilize oral fluids in place of the urine drug screen when a shy bladder process is started.  The oral fluid drug screen will allow you to collect the specimen without waiting for the entire 3 hour process of shy bladder.  What must a non-dot employer do to be able to utilize oral fluids for the shy bladder process?

  1. Set up an account with your Drug Testing Third Party Administrator (CTPA) or laboratory partner.
  2. Confirm that your collection site will perform oral fluid collections.
  3. Must have this addressed in your drug and alcohol policy.  Specifically, state when an employee is going through the Shy Bladder Process, Oral fluids will be used in place of the Shy Bladder Urine Process.

How Does Oral Fluids Fit into the Shy Bladder process for Regulated Employers?

Although the rules in DOT state that oral fluids can be used for shy bladder and any other drug screen for DOT purposes, the oral fluid drug test isn’t ready today for DOT Collection and Lab.  3 things need to happen in order for the DOT Saliva Testing to be able to be utilized for DOT testing:

  1. FDA must certify a Split Specimen device that meets the DOT requirements.  There isn’t a device available today.
  2. Two labs must be inspected and  certified to perform DOT Saliva Testing.  Both labs must utilize the same device in order to meet the DOT Split Specimen Testing process.
  3. DOT Collectors must be trained to perform oral fluid collections and be certified with MOCK proficiency. 

Once the DOT Oral Fluid Drug Testing is available, the Employer must do the following to allow oral fluid or saliva test to be performed for DOT testing.

  1. Set up an account with your Drug Testing Third Party Administrator (CTPA) or laboratory partner.
  2. Confirm that your collection site will perform oral fluid collections.
  3. Must have this addressed in your drug and alcohol policy.  Specifically, state when an employee is going through the Shy Bladder Process, Oral fluids will be used in place of the Shy Bladder Urine Process.

Do you need a DOT and /or NON-DOT Drug and Policy?

Workplace Screening Intelligence offers low cost customized Drug and Alcohol Testing Policies customized to your needs.  Please contact our knowledgeable support staff today for assistance. Contact our Knowledgeable Support Staff at 844-573-8378 or or press on link to order now: Order Here

Where Can I Take a Drug Test Near Me?

Shy bladder drug tests are typically conducted in drug testing facilities that have specialized collectors. You can easily find a testing facility near your workplace or your employee’s home.  Workplace Screening Intelligence has over 20,000 drug screen facilities that are able to have an electronic order and process drug screen collections.  That means your employee or applicant can have their drug screen performed today when you text or email their passport.  They will need to take the passport and ID to the collection site and can be completed today or at their earliest convenience and by your required deadline.

Need to order a drug screen or physical today?  We have 20,000 locations near your workplace or your employee’s home.  Contact our Knowledgeable Support Staff at 844-573-8378 or or press on link to order now: Order Here

How Accurate are Drug Tests?

All drug tests are just as reliable as long as you are utilizing certified collectors who perform the job according to regulations, Certified labs and MROs who are certified my AAMRO or MROCC. The alleged inability to urinate is not a defense against drug-testing laws. It is important to note that laboratories will detect the presence of urine adulterants. So, it’s important that employers choose collection sites that employ  collectors  are experienced and well-trained.

Overall, shy bladder drug testing is an essential practice for employers, even if it may seem invasive. Organizations need to ensure their employees are sober and clear-headed in safety-sensitive jobs to reduce the risk of accidents. If an individual has a shy bladder, they need to alert their employer or the testing facility, as alternative testing methods can be considered. We hope this blog has provided valuable insights into shy bladder drug testing and helps address any concerns you may have had. Remember-a little bit of urine goes a long way in ensuring you stay employed and safe.



