Category: Uncategorized
Amphetamine Information
Can You Drug Test for Amphetamines? Drug testing is a vital part of maintaining a drug-free workplace. In recent years, the abuse of amphetamines has become increasingly common, causing concerns for employers who want to ensure their employees are not under the influence of these drugs. But can you drug test for amphetamines? The answer…
Opiate Drug Testing
: Everything You Need to Know Drug abuse costs companies billions of dollars annually; either in lost productivity or medical expenses. Unfortunately, opiates are one of the most commonly abused drugs. The opioid crisis that has swept the country has made it even more critical for employers to be vigilant when it comes to testing…
Employer and Owner Operator Drug Screening
The Importance of Drug Screening for Employers and Owner Operators Drug screening is a vital part of ensuring a safe and productive work environment. With the rise of drug abuse, it has become more important than ever for employers to implement consistent drug screening policies. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need…
Employee Screening Near Me
Employee Screening Near Me: Why It Matters and How to Do It Right Hiring the right employees is a crucial aspect of running a successful business, but it’s not always easy. From finding qualified candidates to conducting interviews and background checks, there’s a lot that goes into the hiring process. One aspect that’s often overlooked,…
Marijuana Drug Test
Marijuana Drug Test: Everything You Need to Know for Your Workplace Marijuana is a buzz topic over the years, and with its legalization in many states in the US, concerns about its usage in the workplace are becoming more common. The use of marijuana increases the likelihood of accidents, injury claims, high absenteeism, low productivity,…
DOT Job Groups
Dive Deeper into DOT Job Groups: Everything You Need to Know Blog Introduction: In industries that require employees to drive commercial motor vehicles or perform safety-sensitive duties, drug and alcohol use can cause serious safety risk. That’s why the US Department of Transportation (DOT) mandates drug and alcohol testing for employees in various job groups…
Understanding Quaaludes
Understanding Quaaludes: Signs, Symptoms, and Drug Testing Quaaludes, a powerful sedative drug, was introduced in the 1960s and became popular in the 1970s. At its peak, it was one of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States. Although it is no longer manufactured or legally available in the country, it can still be…
Drug Test 5
Understanding Different Types of Drug Tests: All You Need to Know About Drug Test 5 Drug abuse is a major problem that affects individuals, families, employers, and society at large. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 21.5 million people aged 12 and older in the United States abused illicit drugs…